
The Furze Platt Cluster of schools provides a range of services outside school hours for nursery, primary and secondary school age children, their families and the local community.

Services include:

In our nursery, infant and junior schools, this means access to a varied menu of activities, combined with childcare where needed. In our secondary school we also provide a safe place to socialise and complete homework.
Please contact  us for further information.

Summer Fun at Furze Platt Senior School! If you are between 9-13 years old and would like to come and try badminton, tennis, swimming, dance, rugby, football and much more! Bring a packed lunch, learn new skills and meet new friends.
Please contact us for further information.

We are working to support parents by providing access to structured parenting programmes, informal opportunities for parents to engage with the schools and each other, family learning sessions and information sessions for parents to ease the transition through nursery, infants, primary and secondary schools.
Please contact  us for further information.

All schools work closely with other statutory services and the voluntary and community sector from speech and language therapists, psychologists, social and youth workers, to housing officers, the police and careers advisors. In this way, we can quickly identify and provide support for children and young people who have additional needs or are at risk of poor outcomes.
Please contact us for further information.

Opening up our schools facilities to the wider community is one way we can promote community cohesion. Local businesses can benefit from affordable facilities, such as our dance studio, sports hall and IT facilities.
Please contact us for further information.

The Furze Platt Cluster is made up of 6 schools:

Please click on the links to visit their respective websites: